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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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at that stretch the dollars dollars further it's savings over the next two years in the budget. this is to give you a couple of pictures on slide 22 the mountain you tunnel did single most expensive tunnel that's been it operation for the last 80 years we've done reinforcements but we've been able to photograph and track a bio segment of the tunnel where we have a cat traffic collapse or under arrest that's why you see the significant hetch hetchy balancing request. the solvency over the next 10 years comes down to a message you'll hear repeatedly from us
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keeping the healthy hetch hetchy that means we'll have to be back before you and the mayor's office and other policymakers every year asking for general fund rates to have the ability to have more fully paying customers or have more power revenue bonds or have to revisit which we do every year the problematic cuts or deferrals >> real quick it strikes me we're going to have a discussion around cca and the big deficit is because of house/senate and the mountain you tunnel can you talk about that what that means deferring capital there's a reflex what's the risk level, you know, obviously there's been
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a policy decision i'd rather fund that rather than that people can draw conclusions here and there's a couple of i think straightforward for example, one the mountain tunnel an assessment was done we have more information as well as the reinforcement and the realigning in the that tunnel by sector this over a 10 or 12 mile distances that needs to be you upgraded and go around and mitigate the risks every bit of drinking water the 80 percent in san francisco that we serve is from house/senate so to the degree tracers a collapse weeping we'll have to bring down that part of the system and get access to it and move out boulders of granite spectacular
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the fire we have facilities that house 7 generation power unit to the degree we lose one or two of them that's potentially millions of dollars and that's why for our department reis a reserve policy that water sewer and power has to be reserves because if we don't have that based on the risk assessment in the current and prior years of one or two powerhouses going off-line that's give us a temporary availability not to come to you for more funds. >> back to the tunnel the cat
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tropic problem what happens you create a defying vera. >> we look to our local reservoirs the supply is 15 percent of our delivers depending on what time of the year it could cause more disruption because it will impact our electricity generation so we'll have to do emergency repair work to with get into the tunnel to find the damage and that typically requires additional excavation work. and we will have to go and libel do emergency purposes of power to provide power to the mta as well as other city departments
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>> yeah. >> so over the next 10 years and several months it's a healthy hetch hetchy discussion i know a number of you have seen the facilities dollars they're old. the other management are leading the charge is aggressively negotiating savings the savings for pg&e proposed increases to the degree we can negotiate savings that will help the financial picture too. the program updates 1 the street lights $29 million has been approved by you over the last 5 years that's a significant investment street light replacement for the business rapid transportation and the r r
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over the next few years includes a near tenfold increase on r and r alone going up and $89 million for further enhancements for pedestrian street lights as well as $6 million in budget year two our plan is $60 million over the next 10 years. here's how to break down the pole rehabilitation and street light rehabilitation and then critical work for our condition assessment so between now and the end of the month we're working on a savmg of one hundred and 40 poles to see where we triage first and that's similar to work in the sewers
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seeing where the money needs to be spent for the help for san franciscans and follow-up that with a further sampling of another phrase and if approved and in the budget. our work as well is basically predicted upon we're a good neighbor but the way we operate daily so we try to keep the facility services available and work by opening the contractors center which lavender in december of last year that allows more bidders and more awareness of our work to help also long term covets to keep them as low as possible. our youth employment program is
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succession demonstrate when we talked about our projected 50 percent retirement gibts in our department. we have now only having a risk of retirement eligible of 40 percent because only 10 percent of our staff retired we have a critical operating position that needs additional preparedness to bring on new hires and have a pipeline for new hires for public service. this is part of american people overarching umbrella how we're reaching people of the aware of the opportunities through youth employment and school programs including the drink tap initiative we've worked on having 31 ucsf sites and the
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camp supporting 80 o'connell ninth graders to learn about our center from urban all and helping us to place the youth we're one of the departments in the city that touches people's lives in san francisco everyday many times a day whether turning on the tap or flushing the toilet or walking flaethd 80 is street light. this is i inspiring to see how the young people learn about this and it's almost one hundred percent green house gas emissions. there's within $24 million to date and 19.4 has been paid out
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and megawatts been installed this is helped to have 24 new jobs for san franciscans and 19 of those folks are currently employed. the jobs are presented by zip code and also i'd like to mention that the general manager and myself as well as the leadership team are here to answer questions. i want to thank you as well for the work and also the advance thank you to the budget analysis we continue to work with them providing additional information as well as the controller's office in clauks collaboration with with your office >> let me suggest this why not go to our budget analyst report then my guess is we're going to have a robust discussion after
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public comment stick around. >> mr. rose. >> mr. chair and members regarding the puc's deappropriation of $95 million for the clean power san francisco program we are reporting on that request in there will under the puc's request to issue and sell $100113. for hetch hetchy bond and my understanding is that mr. chair that specific appropriation and the sale of the issuance of the bonds will be considered by your committee next wednesday that's my understanding i'll report on that subject including the deappropriation will be issued to the board of supervisors tomorrow i want the board to know it's not included in this specific budget. >> so for committee members
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we're going to continue the supplemental to next week's meeting so an budget analyst report then. supervisor farrell >> on item 10 is mentioned the appropriation for the clean power sf that's before us today. >> yes. my understanding. >> just our analysis. >> my understanding is supervisor avalos because of the issuance of the bond were not on the calendar that the clerk stated that the items could not be considered until you have the issuance as well as the appropriation that's why we didn't reporting report on it today. >> that's correct. >> members and audience ze we have difference too the
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department and puc but we'll work with you and report back to the committee on the final recommendations on page 17 through 29 of our report. our recommended reductions total $4.5 milli $4.5 million in 2014 and one time savings those reductions allow a increase of 6 percent in the departments 2014-2015 budget our recommended reduction is for the total of reduction in 2015- 2016 and the recommend the reductions are ongoing savings and 55 thousand plus a one-time savings those allow an increase of 6.5 percent of one time savings excuse me. this allows
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an increase in the departments fiscal year 2015- 2016 as i stated we have significant differences but we'll report back next week >> thank you, mr. rose back to the puc. so cc aside mooibdz there's still disagreement with mr. roses suggestions >> yes. we in. >> fairness we owe them additional information we're in the middle of providing that and some will be transmitted over the next couple of days. >> we're not going to have a complete picture obviously we're going to talk about the calendar items later today but we don't have a complete picture of the puc today; is that correct. >> you have a complete picture of the proposed budget i think in fairness f to the budget
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analyst you have to see were there might be room for additional savings we owe them information and to mr. roses point and supervisor avalos point the list of items on slide 19 to the maintaining the puc reserve is whether or not you up size the revenue bond assumes so for the operating budget a has the rates that pay for the debt service or the cash fund it needs to be bond fund ars those 3 key parts and to first class it another way mr. rose to fully complete our recommendation go you don't have the information. >> we're more than prepared to remedy the recommended reductions right now to the board the department san diego's
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with us because of the departments disagreements they're ready now. >> okay. thank you mr. rose. >> colleagues do we have any questions for mr. rose or puc i know we'll be back? okay supervisor avalos any comments now we're going to move into the other departments >> i'll hold my comments and after public comment i'm going to motion that we table the items of the a o s o and other items related to the puc and actually, i don't mind it can you see me great pain to do that our puc is the most incredible educate we have with the city
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and county of san francisco i have traced to the water system and our amazing people the puc but we have not worked 90 out in a collaborative way for a budget we can live with interests been a effort to communicate with the mayor directly i haven't heard back i'm alarmed of the candid tender we have we will have a new budget to come before us and one we workout our differences and shared common interests to make sure we have water coming to the residents all over the bay area and electricity for the city and our great folks in the bay area as well i want to indicate that's y where i'm going thank you, colleagues. >> at this point why not move
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into the next department can we go back to our retirement system. >> again as we do we'll save public comment until all the departments go through we're going to have the next two shorter than the than the first one. >> i'm the executive director of the employees retirement system we were here last week and were in agreement with the reductions, however, a question from the department of real estate we're here and able to accept the recommended reductions that the budget and elective analysis office a has recommended. >> if no questions mr. rose our report. >> yes. mr. chair and members of the committee on page 5 of
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our report we report that our recommended reductions total one million dollars plus in 2014-2015 and 8 hundred plus are ongoing savings and one time savings those reductions allow an increase of 17 point percentage no our 2014-2015 and all of those are ongoing savings as i understand it the department testified concurred with our recommended deductions. >> colleagues, any comments from our staff or colleagues. we'll entertain a motion after public comment for our budget so
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with that, why not sdrishlg to our mta edward reiskin thank you for come back. >> good afternoon mr. chair, and members of the board we presented last week and happy to answer any questions. >> okay. colleagues any questions. >> thank you for being back. at this point we'll open up for public comment is there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? on items it through 4 please step forward and line up on this side of the wall so we understand how many people and be respectful let's start the
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clock >> dr. espanola jackson again, thank you for the two minutes. i've been smelling and me and my community in 1972 we voted for the extension of that sewage plant you don't get the smell we have daily city and the brisbane and oats presidio and 80 percent of the city sewage coming to bayview hunters point is don't go nowhere else and who's smelling that when it's hot you can't open our windows. beyond what you're arguments are about i know about capital a that's the reason we voted for the bond issue in order to get those passed and we haven't seen
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nothing. nothing. and you all want to talk talk talk talk why don't you say stop putting in the digesters in bayview hunters point they've got 5 or 6 oh, 10 because the old ones was cracked. and the stuff is running down the streets which were we're smelling it out there. i won't be able to eat like our eating now because you don't have to smell it it when you do something and start doing for the people in bayview hunters point with the smell that's going on out there that shouldn't happen no other willie brown lies to the folks saying in you support d and f i'm going to get the substantial plant out of your community willie brown t is lying it's got to go
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somewhere >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm you don't even speaking for the sierra club to the puc budget the essentially e sierra club supports both the go solar program as well as the go sf program we don't support of the rating of the go solar sf taking the funds and distributing everything else that's something the mayor shouldn't be doing the supervisors allocated those fund but we support full funding of go solar sf every year we fight for the funding and the funding is declining you can see the
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number of solar installs dropping with the program we think are their creative solutions and i know that time is needed to investigate those solutions to keep clean power sf funded by llsz to fund sf. we continue the item to get more information we would support that. so that's where we are it shouldn't be putting one good program after another supervisor breed said. thank you >> next speaker >> hello with bright line defense project there's a longer conversation that needs to be had and rate increases and capital improvements that need to be discussed before this
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board we're here to emphasize bright life project the local and the luminal and the industrial speakers are here there are a number of people to speak in favor of the solar could you please stand up for 0 moment. thank you. and with that, we're all here in strong support of the solar programs to reestablish from its previous down to $2 million up to 5 million we want to see this program fully funded it's fundamentally good policy force the first time we now have preliminary finding a national
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in what capacity looking into the benefits of the green house gases down achieved or the workforce development jobs that are created with the program and spurring the local committee through the go sf and good jobs for low income community and hope to see the program fully funded >> can i ask i strongly support thoughtful funding like was mentioned but to you support raiding of the geobond fund. >> at the end of the day there's needs to be a adjust of the levels that's that - >> could you be specific. i'm not sure of the exact number that needs to be achieved to make that happen. i know there's a separate
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discussion of the feasibility of merging with another c cf program that could inform the levels needed for the reserve >> thank you very much. next speaker. . >> hi aim roslyn jackson i have a lot of things to talk about. so as discussed the good solar sf has benefits to our community and this is the analysis of the data. so as of april 2014 there are over 10 megawatts support by go solar by more than 3 seven hundred customer services sites and more exciting an thirty percent of solar property was
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installed on single-family homes so other benefits are going to san franciscans who need it the most it's proven to be a strong economic engine for the city the mel waits has driven investment no our community. go solar sf has supported more than 4 hundred jobs and was this to be revictimized in our economy and underserved residents benefits for the workforce development piece of go solar sf the program has resulted in one hundred and 21 job placements for san franciscans. workers of color recommended the largest benefit 40 percent black and 22 percentage latino they
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will reduce the green house gas emissions helping to meet the city's climate goals and go solar helps with the market that's thrilled jobs and environmental benefits i want to applaud the 200 underserved members that benefit if the program >> thank you. next speaker, please >> my name is pam i'm the product of go solar sf program others programs required skills and resources that led me here without this program i did wouldn't have a job and recently have received a promotion.
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so when investing in programs like asian design i want to thank you >> is there anyone who wishes to speak on the item? >> good afternoon. i'm melissa i work to aluminum solar i heard the term environmentalist i understand working in the solar industry some people are not interested if this but others are willing to learn about it. we value this investment because of the impact of the decisions that could help the community. nearly 7 years ago to the day the city and county of san francisco accompanied footed the bill at 850 bryant and flash-forward to 4 years ago i was on parole living in drug entertainment and